It’s no secret that strong sales follow-up is key to a successful sales pipeline.

However, there are many ways to optimize your follow-up efforts in order to achieve better results.

At LaGrowthMachine, thanks to our sales automation solution, we have helped more than 500 companies with over 4000 multichannel campaigns.

In our experience, following up with your leads consistently is one of the most important sales strategies you can implement.

What is sales follow-up? Why is it important to your business? And how can you take your sales to the next level with strategic sales follow-up techniques?

In this guide, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about sales follow-up. What is it? Why is it important? And the best techniques to use when following up.

So whether you’re starting out in sales or you’re looking to improve your current process, read on for everything you need to know about sales follow-up.

What is sales follow-up?

At its core, sales follow-up is the process of building trust and rapport with your sales leads through consistent communication.

This involves following up via email, LinkedIn message, or even meeting in person to stay top-of-mind and encourage sales conversions.


The beautiful thing about sales follow-up is: It’s used throughout all sales funnel stages. From lead generation all the way to customer retention and upsell.

This concept sits at the core of our value proposition here at LaGrowthMachine.

We believe that sales follow-up is one of the key factors in driving sales success and growing your business.

Whether you do sales in B2B or B2C format, with LaGrowthMachine, you can create all types of multichannel sequences (LinkedIn + Twitter + LinkedIn) in advance and schedule them at each different stage of your lead management process.

lgm multichannel campaign sequence

Creating sequences like this to reach your prospects can be time-consuming if you do it manually. With our sales automation tool, you’ll save hours of time and hassle.

Sales follow-up can be a key component in your sales and marketing efforts, yet it’s often a neglected area.

We’ve all been subjected to follow-up at some point, but why do companies actually need them?

What are the benefits of sale follow-up?

Some companies may be hesitant to invest the time and resources into sales follow-up, but there are genuine use cases that demonstrate the benefits of this strategy.

For one, it can help you build trust and rapport with your leads.

By consistently reaching out to them through different channels, you can nurture their relationship with your business and encourage sales conversions.

Get 3.5X more leads!

Do you want to improve the efficiency of your sales department? With LaGrowthMachine you can generate on average 3.5x more leads while saving an incredible amount of time on all your processes.

By signing up today, you’ll get a free 14-day trial to test our tool!

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Following up with your leads and/or customers has many other benefits as well, including:

  • Strengthening your brand identity and positioning in the market.
  • Generating more leads, conversions, and sales opportunities.
  • Improving customer retention and reducing churn.
  • Providing valuable feedback on your product or service offerings.

Simply put, sales follow-up can help you achieve better results in many different areas of your business. That said, how do you actually go about developing a successful follow-up strategy?

Successful sales follow-up techniques

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for following up with customers, as different businesses and industries will have different needs.

However, there are some key steps and best practices that you can follow to ensure that your efforts are effective.

Let’s dive in!

1. Think multichannel for your follow-up:

First and foremost, you want to make sure that your sales follow-up efforts are multichannel. This means using a combination of different communication channels including email, social media, phone calls, etc.

This will help you reach your leads on the platforms they prefer and in ways that best resonate with them – which is key to building trust and rapport.

As we mentioned earlier, this is where LaGrowthMachine shines! Our tool not only allows you to create and schedule multichannel sequences, follow up with your leads, but you can do this all in one place!

Inbox by LGM

With our newest Inbox feature, you can keep track of all your messages right in the app, whether they come from email or LinkedIn.

And with our built-in analytics and tracking features, you can easily measure the effectiveness of your follow-up strategies and optimize accordingly.

2. Automate your sales follow-up:

Clearly, you can’t achieve effective follow-up if you’re spending hours manually creating and scheduling your outreach efforts.

This is why you’ll want to invest in a sales automation tool like LaGrowthMachine, which can and will do all of this and more for you.

LaGrowthMachine automates your email follow-ups, your LinkedIn operations, and even your Twitter outreach!

By automating your sales follow-up efforts, you’ll save time and money, improve your results, and stay focused on other higher-level tasks.

3. Focus on the quality over quantity of your sales follow-up:

In your pursuit of optimizing sales follow-up, it’s important to remember that quality always trumps quantity.

This means focusing on developing highly personalized and relevant messages for each individual lead, rather than sending generic bulk outreach emails.

With LaGrowthMachine, you can easily segment and personalize your lead lists to create targeted content and maximize your results.

That said, focusing on quality doesn’t mean not scaling up! You can use our advanced segmentation and automation features to create highly targeted campaigns that reach thousands of leads at once.

Even better, you can use our tool to slowly send out a few emails to establish your reputation as a trustworthy sender, and then you gradually increase the send volume.

This is the process of warming up your email address, and it’s extremely important because it directly affects your deliverability rates!

4. Continuously measure and optimize:

Lastly, it’s critical to remember that sales follow-up is a continuous process.

By continuously measuring and optimizing your efforts, you can make sure that they’re always effective and deliver the best possible results.

You do this by constantly keeping track of your KPIs, such as:

  • Sales conversion rates
  • Lead engagement rates
  • Email lead generation metrics like open and click-through rates
  • etc.

By tracking and analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas where you’re doing a good job, and where you need to make adjustments or improvements – and keep your efforts on the right track.

Keep the conversation going

At the end of the day, sales follow-up is a key part of any successful business strategy – so make sure that you’re doing it the right way!

By following up with potential and current customers, you are showing that you care about your relationship with them and want to continue doing business together.

However, sales follow-up can be difficult- it takes time and effort to stay on top of all of your leads and contacts.

That’s why you need to invest in things like an automation tool like LaGrowthMachine.

With our powerful features and tools, you can easily automate your sales follow-up efforts, stay on top of all your leads, and achieve better results.

So why wait? Start optimizing your sales follow-up today!